Thanks Naomi!
How does the “War on Drugs” impact young people’s daily lives?
What are some examples of “Quality of life” policing and how does it impact young people?
What is the street economy?
What is Zero Tolerance?
How is the school to prison pipeline playing out in Chicago Schools?
How can young people organize to combat the PIC?
What is Institutionalization?
How does the PIC impact young people in their daily lives?
What are some alternatives to calling the police or social service?
How does the “War on Drugs” impact young people’s daily lives?
- Young people are entered into cycle
- Takes from them—mom, dad, hope
- Street sweeps
- Mandatory minimums
- No financial aid for college with a drug conviction
- “street culture” is more appealing than school (i.e. school to prison piplining system
- racial profiling—police state—no hope, apathy
- no real information about effects of drugs/harm reduction
- way on drugs—the system’s legal ways to prison
- border cartels killing whole families
- what counts as (bad) drugs?
- $$ spent on enforcing drug laws, lack of funding for education
- labels young people as bad, dangerous
- takes away opportunities and resources
- find other ways to survive under the radar
- zero tolerance policy
What are some examples of “Quality of life” policing and how does it impact young people?
- Making parents responsible for $$ for what their children do
- Accountability: parents
- Media and how youth are portrayed—young black men are dangerous
- Hyper surveillance by punitive structures
- “child protection” = no lights
- lower quality of life (low Socioeconomic status, racialized bodies, etc)= greater policing and restriction of rightsàtreated as second class citizens àculture of poverty pathology àinternalized hatred and diminished integrity
- Curfews
- Gang loitering laws
- Quality of life when there is no quality
What is the street economy?
- All of the different ways for youth who are shut out of “legitimate’ ways of making money to survive
- Social capital—incarceration as credential/rite of passage
- Age 15—64 arrests--what the F*%# is that? (related to a story about a young trans woman who had been arrested, booked, and then released by the police onto the same corner without connecting her to supports)
- Selling cigarettes and other drugs
- Helping each other stay alive
- Necessity for some
- Empowering/demoralizing
- Not a secret to cops, authorities
- Making money to take care of family
- Getting money any way possible
- Criminalized
- Selling and making DVDs and CDs
- A method for folks with limited access to resources to live and survive
- Survival economy
- Doing/getting what you need to survive
What is Zero Tolerance?
- External control vs. internal
- Bad idea
- Military discipline
- No second chances
- Not looking at the whole person
- Weapons=expulsion (this includes fake weapons)
- False “public safety”
- Parents may feel it is the only thing keeping their children safe
- Population control of black/brown youth, who are the moral ills of the society, the “crack babies”
- Applied to things like “disobeying authority”, cursing, etc. –vague definitions of what this means but youth are still punished
- No chance for correction or development
- A way not to deal with inequalities
- No difference between the recipient of violence and the perpetrator
- Divisive
- The implication that people of color are criminals and should be dealt with to assure public safety
How is the school to prison pipeline playing out in Chicago Schools?
- “special education” pathologication
- zero tolerance still visible
- criminalization of behavior
- high stakes testing
- no privacy (searches)
- assumption that students need constant policing
- removing students from school by suspensions, expulsions, arrests
- suspensions are mostly handled by legal department of CPS not principal
- funding surveillance rather than education
- youth being labeled “bad” “lazy” and “unmotivated” and then that is internalized—youth starts calling other youth these labels
- police stations inside schools
- In Phila: at the start of 2009 school year…(sorry…I couldn’t read it--nm)
- Requirements to call police for certain kinds of misbehavior
- Metal detectors
- No social promotion
- Lack of resources for students with mental health and disabilities, replicated in prisons
- The next step from school to prison or jail
- Unfairly enforced, students of color, LGBTQ students targeted
- Not considering child development or personal history when defining or trying to change behavior
How can young people organize to combat the PIC?
- Communicate, dialogue with each other. First many youth may not feel included or aware of how to organize/mobilize
- Blocks Together security guard organizing campaign
- YWAT—Suspension Stories
- Participatory Action Research
- Youth from around the country come together
- Youth help get their teachers involved and engaged in dialogue and action
- Southwest Youth Collaborative—Audy Home Campaign
- Young Women’s Empowerment Project—Bad Encounter Line
- Political popular peer education
- Empowerment pipeline
- Early prevention workshops, clubs, programs,
- Knowing their rights. Solidarity; union (students) presence in schools
- Student Bill of Rights
What is Institutionalization?
- Intertwined (inextricably) with knowledge (who holds it, who gets to say what is/is not legitimate)
- Public funding of private corporations
- Making people conform/fit in to systems, even if those systems are unjust
- Defining based on assumptions
- The normalization of behaviors, perspectives, language, etc (even if oppressive)
- Inability to function without structure coming/being dictated from above
- Changing culture
- Systemically deriving agency (police officers, social workers, case workers, corrections officers, teachers, foster care, etc)
- State intervention
- Disguises responsibility/accountability
- Being caught up in the fears of society
How does the PIC impact young people in their daily lives?
- Fear
- Hypermasculinity and hegemonic masculinity for MEN of color that perpetuates misogyny and (men’s) violence against women and other gender nonconforming bodies
- Delusions of manhood!
- Separates families—children from parents
- Internalized self hatred
- Limits beliefs about future and opportunities
- Trauma
- Hatred of other youth—talking each other down
- Climate of violence in schools (verbal, physical, etc)—stressful on mind and body
- Low self-esteem
- Creates victims
- Demonizes young people, their families and their communities and creates severe cycles of internalized oppression
What are some alternatives to calling the police or social service?
- Project Nia—peace circles, community responsibility to our youth and solidarity, grandmothers group
- Creative interventions—try something! Organize collectively, center survivor (if desired)
- The first step should always be to call the youth to the side of you’re comfortable with that and outline how his behavior is disrespectful and impacting you
- Ask those harmed what they need
- Involve youth in more processes that directly effect/affect them (communicate) so as to hold all accountable and responsible
- Get communities to hold people accountable/call people out
- Call the families—create a school community
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